Tuesday 30 October 2012

promote your site free of cost

you can promote your site using our chota google blog

Just you need to add comment to any of the post on this blog and your site info will be posted as a new post on this blog......

Free of cost

Websites for information regarding Higher Studies

1. www.vidyasoochika.co.in
2. www.global-opportunities.net
3. www.studyoverseasglobal.com
4. www.higherstudiesoverseas.com
5. www.australian-university.org/higher-studies-

Websites for collection of sample questions papers of MNCs recruitment drives

1. www.placementpapers.net
2. www.vyomworld.com/placementpapers
3. www.placementpapers.com
4. www.fw.freshersworld.com/placementweek
5. www.placementpapers.in
6. www.careersvalley.com/placement-papers
7. www.coolinterview.com